Has your organization grown over the last several years?
Are there new devices or technologies adopted by your employer?
Or how about…
Has your company had an increase in remote work since 2020?
If you can answer “yes” to any of the above, chances are that your network requirements and infrastructure have needed to adapt and update along with the ever-changing work environment.
When was the last time you performed a system audit or technology assessment to ensure that you have the correct tools in place to keep your systems up and running?
This is an area that partnering with an outside company can help. They can provide a fresh set of eyes to examine your systems and point out any technology or security gaps you might have that should be addressed.
Won’t They Just Try to Sell to Me?
Relationships are built on trust. When you open your system up to a technology or security assessment, you’re already extending a level of trust to that company. When you get their report and hear their recommendations, that’s another level of trust you have to decide on. If that company starts listing out their products without covering your needs and vulnerabilities, that would definitely give me pause.
However, if that person and company sit down and thoroughly cover the status of your systems, status of compliance or other notes, then offer recommendations from the perspective of a consultant rather than just a sales point of view, that would cause me to trust them a little more.
What Comes After a Technology Assessment?
After a technology assessment, our team can work with you to roll out a plan of action to address any shortcomings. Sometimes this comes in the form of working with a vCISO, who can partner with your organization’s leadership (often CIO, HR, and CEO) to institute strategies for filling the gaps.
If you’re overwhelmed in a particular area – support desk, new projects, system migrations, etc. – our co-managed IT services can have your back.
Whatever the needs are, we can help to identify them and discuss what would be most helpful to you.
To ask again, with the changes that have taken place over the last couple of years, when was the last time you performed a technology assessment or audit? To schedule an initial technology assessment with us, just click here.