Lately, the news has been rife with tragic stories – from the hurricanes in Florida to the fires in both northern and southern California. Even when there are not catastrophic natural disasters, cybercrime such as phishing, DDoS attacks and ransomware can ravage a network and compromise your data.
The fact is, today’s organizations both large and small, have lots of important data to store on their networks – and IDC predicts that even smaller organizations can be dealing in petabytes of data in the next few years, much like their larger enterprise counterparts. If a natural disaster or a cybercrime bars access to all that data or destroys on-premise servers, then mission-critical data can be lost forever.
The demand to bring in data management, protection and redundancy that includes off-site or cloud-based servers, is essential.
TechTarget writes, “Having failover capabilities isn’t enough; the secondary data center must also have sufficient resources available to absorb a failover…” Often times we find that companies have not planned or adjusted their failover resources as they have grown. Companies should consider solutions that can easily scale as their needs change.
A good example of this is Diamond IT’s BackupCentric, which provides a holistic approach to data management including storage, testing and disaster recovery. BackupCentric securely backs up to local storage on-premise as well as off-site at a secure datacenter. Its local storage capabilities provide fast recovery of lost or damaged files, folders and even servers while the offsite replication affords recovery from catastrophic events such as fires, flood or other disasters which may render local backups and hardware unrecoverable.
The offsite solution also provides the ability to virtually boot a server from the offsite data center in case of an emergency.
Taking BackupCentric one step further, Diamond IT fully manages the service and monitors the health of the backup data, performing regular validation checks to confirm backups can be available when they are most needed.
Below are some of the benefits of BackupCentric including remote management from the Diamond IT team:
- Testing – Diamond IT staff will perform regularly scheduled validity checks of your backup images to ensure they are in good shape in case of an emergency.
- TechTarget writes: Accept the idea that the data center is not a static environment. Changes occur on a daily basis, ranging from the installation of a new OS patch to something much more involved. Each change within the data center has the potential to derail DR mechanisms that worked previously. As such, a DR testing plan must be an ongoing process, not an annual event.
- Recovery – Recover a file or folder or restore a whole system quickly to the same or different hardware.
- Disaster Recovery -Virtual servers are waiting at the ready to replace your physical servers in the event of an emergency such as a natural disaster or cybercrime.
For more information on Diamond IT’s BackupCentric, please call 1-877-716-8324 or click on https://www.diamondit.pro/