1. Thousands of patients exposed in L.A. County Dept. of Health data breach
A recent phishing attack on the Los Angeles County Department of Health released names, addresses, dates of birth and Medi-Cal identification numbers to third-party hackers. Although the county reports there is no evidence at this time that this information is being misused, you should enroll in the provided credit and identity monitoring services being offered.
SMBs: It is possible to check if your company has information for sale on the Dark Web. Once you know if your credentials are compromised, you can act. Sign up for a Free Dark Web Scan here.
2. U.S. Congress passes two bills addressing the cybersecurity war on small businesses
The U.S. Congress underscored the increasing danger of cybersecurity threats to small business owners and employees by passing two significant bills to raise awareness about the risk that cyber security presents to SMBs. Up to 60% of SMBs go out of business after suffering a cyberattack; making cybercrime the No. 1 threat to the success of U.S. small- and medium-sized businesses. Start with a security assessment to uncover all the dangers you’re exposed to.
3. Phishing attack on Wise Health impacts data of 36,000 patients
Employees at Wise Health System, a Washington-based health care provider, were victims of a targeted email phishing campaign last March that compromised almost 36,000 patients’ medical records. Employee direct deposit information appears to have been the phisher’s actual targeted data.
Although phishing attacks are wholly preventable, human error still accounts for the majority of cybersecurity breaches. Security Awareness Training can show your employees what to watch for and makes them your first line of defense against cybercriminals.
4. Three billion phishing emails are sent every day
And, it seems like most of them end up in your inbox, huh?
Unsuspecting U.S. workers arrive at work every day facing phishing emails that could potentially unlock access to network infrastructures, personal financial accounts and other important business data. Despite the simple mode of entry into important business data, recovering from this “simple” breach is costly.
Here’s how to equip your business and build a defense against hackers.
5. Attack Spotlight: Phishing emails mimic real banking messages
Not surprisingly, personal and business banking accounts are popular among phishing attacks. Hackers are experts at mimicking your bank’s logo, slogan and online interface – their website looks just like your bank’s real site. If you don’t pay close attention, you’ll give up valuable information about yourself and your employer.
You don’t need to protect your business on your own. Contact DiamondIT today to discuss which security measures make the most sense for your business.
More from DiamondIT
Our COO David Rice recently spoke about cybersecurity to the Ventura chapter of the Professional Association of Health Care Office Management (PAHCOM), and we’re making his presentation available as a free resource. Download it here.
Learn more about Cyber Liability Insurance and why it’s critical.
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